

08/18- present   University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, USA

                          Ph.D. degree in Computer Science (Expected: May 2023)

09/16-10/17      University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

                           MS degree in Computer Science (October 2017)

              GPA: 3.73/4.2 (First Class Honors) 

09/07-01/14      Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia 

                           B.S. degree in Computer Science (January 2014)

                           GPA: 4.75/5.0 (First Class Honors) 

Work Experience:

05/18-08/18      Lecturer, Computer Science Department, College of Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia. Taif University provided me with a full scholarship to pursue my PhD in the US. 

Professional and General Skills:

  • Programming languages and application frameworks:
  • C++ (Advanced), Python (Advanced), Java (Advanced), SQL (Advanced)
  • MATLAB (Intermediate), Ruby (Intermediate)
  • Graphics: OpenGL, AutoCAD, Maya (Intermediate)
  • Languages: Arabic (native), English (fluent)